The Simple View of Reading: Practical Research for Educators

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The Simple View of Reading (SVR)is at the heart of the Science of Reading research. This seminal research identifies the two most important skills that contribute to reading comprehension: decoding and language comprehension. The research also explains the role that each skill plays in reading. After attending this interactive session, participants will understand and be able to explain the SVR in simple, concise terms. They will also be able to use this important research to guide and improve assessment, instruction, and intervention.


Linda Farrell

Linda is a founding partner at Readsters. Linda has the career of her dreams, which is helping children, adolescents, and adults learn to read. Since 2000, Linda has worked in schools all over the country helping districts select and implement instruction that ensures all students learn to read. Her favorite work is modeling in the classroom and helping teachers understand how to use data. Linda also presents at conferences nationally and internationally about effective instruction for beginning and struggling readers. With her business partner, Michael Hunter, Linda has written assessments and curriculum that are widely used. She was one of the original National Letters Trainers. In the last six years, Linda has worked in West Africa developing materials for children to learn to read in seven languages she doesn’t even speak!

Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter is a founding partner of Readsters. Michael found his passion for teaching struggling readers as a volunteer teaching adult nonreaders. He is now dedicated to helping teachers teach all students to read. Michael has co-authored instructional materials with his business partner, Linda Farrell. Michael presents workshops and advises schools nationally. His work with schools includes coaching and modeling in the classroom. This work with students and teachers keeps Michael’s skills fresh. This work also continues to inform the creation of additional teaching materials for beginning readers and struggling readers of all ages. Michael’s work at Readsters has even taken him to Africa to consult on early reading instruction.

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